Lobster tortellini with roasted lobster soup



A hearty, rich lobster soup that’s poured over Lobster tortellini filled with slowly caramelized shallots, fresh time, chopped lobster meat, mascarpone, parmesan and lemon juice. Exactly as good as it sounds!

I made this recipe for New years Eve 2017, and I still think it’s one of my recipes that I’m most satisfied with. It sure takes some time to make, but it’s really worth it! It’s also really good to prep in advance, and the hot sauce that's poured over the tortellini makes it hold the heat quite well even when making it for many.

If you want to make a starter out of this, skip the tortellini and serve the lobster soup with some croutons!

INGREDIENTS (8-10 Portions, or 30-40 tortellinis, depending on size)

Roasted lobster stock

  • 3 boiled lobsters

  • 3 dl dry, white wine

  • 1-3 tbsp cognac (depending on taste)

  • ‎1 yellow onion

  • ‎2 shallots

  • ‎4 garlic cloves

  • ‎0.5 fennel

  • ‎0.5 leek

  • ‎A couple of sprigs each of thyme and parsley

  • ‎2-3 tbsp tomatoes puree

  • ‎1-2 l water (so everything is covered)

  • ‎8 dl double cream

  • ‎1 tsp paprika powder

  • ‎A pinch of cayenne

  • ‎Salt, freshly cracked black pepper 


Lobster tortellini


  • Lobster meat from 3 lobsters

  • 100 g of mascarpone

  • ‎50 g of parmesan

  • ‎The juice from half a lemon

  • ‎4 shallots

  • ‎50 g of butter

  • ‎1 dl of white wine

  • ‎1 tbs thyme leaves

  • Salt, freshly ground black pepper


  • 300 grams of wheat flour

  • 130 grams of durum wheat flour

  • ‎3 whole eggs

  • ‎6 egg yolks

  • ‎1,5 tsp salt

Parmesan chips

  • 50 g of parmesan

  • Finely chopped parsley

  • Freshly ground black pepper

For garnish

  • Chervil



Pasta dough

1. Start with the pasta dough, since it needs resting in the fridge (and isn't as sensitive as lobster meat, so it's better to prep and store pasta dough than the lobster).

2. ‎Combine all ingredients to the pasta in a food processor. Mix until all ingredients are incorporated, and until you're left with almost like a crumble (try to mix as long as you can, since the longer time the dough spend in the mixer, the less kneading is needed).

3. ‎When the mixer doesn't do any more benefit in terms of kneading, take out the dough. Kneed it (Google how) for a good 5-15 minutes (set a timer); you more you knead, the more gluten will develop => more textured, chewy pasta! When satisfied with the result, put in the fridge at least one hour or overnight.

Roasted lobster stock

1. Set the oven to 200 degrees.


2. Clean the lobsters from meat. Put the meat on a plate, put on some plastic film and put it in the fridge.

3. Place the shells in a (thick) plastic bag. Crush them with a meat hammer or a pot. Place the crushed shells on a baking tray, and roast in the oven for 15-25 minutes, or until they start to roast (do not burn). Flip halfway to ensure even roasting.

3. Chop and shred all vegetables to the stock.

4. Warm up a generous amount of olive oil in a large pot (at least 5 liter). Put in the onions and fennel and fry for a few minutes. Add tomato paste and fry for a couple of  minutes. Pour in the wine and the cognac and let the liquid reduce to half.

4. Add the roasted lobster shells, thyme, and parsley. Stir well and add enough water to cover it. Boil 20-40 minutes, then pour it through a strainer to get rid of the vegetables and the shells. Make sure to squeeze the liquid out of all the vegetables.

5. To make the soup: boil up the roasted lobster stock. Add cream, paprika powder and cayenne pepper. Boil for 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. If more acidity is needed, add a splash of white wine vinegar.

(6. If serving as a soup, without the tortellini: place the lobster meat in deep plates. Spoon over the soup and garnish with butter fried croutons and chopped parsley.)


1. Finely chop the onion. Fry together with thyme on medium to low heat in butter until its starting to caramelize (approx 10-20 minutes). Crank up the heat and add the wine. Reduce until all liquid is gone (stir in the end, otherwise it will burn). Pour into a bowl and let cool completely.

2. ‎Finely chop the lobster, mix it with finely grated parmesan, mascarpone, the juice from half a lemon and the onion. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Put into a piping bag and put in the fridge until making the tortellini.



1. Divide the pasta dough into four pieces. Put plastic wrap on three of them, and start working with one of them. Roll out the pasta dough, preferably with a pasta machine (if you don't own one, buy one! Totally worth the money. That you've read all text until now is enough motivation to buy one; you're obviously interested in cooking pasta), to about 8-9 in thickness (second thinnest setting). Dust the long pasta sheets with some flour in the middle of the process once to avoid it sticking to the machine and bench.

2. When you have four long pasta sheets, spread them out on a bench and dust off all flour from the top (otherwise they will be hard to glue together). Cut out rounds with a round shape or use a glass with sharp edges.

3. Take out the piping bag with the filling from the fridge. Pipe about a tablespoon of filling on each round, making sure it's little enough to fold them over and glue them together.

4. ‎Brush the ends of the pasta rounds with water. Fold them over and pinch the seem together. Lay the pasta dough on your middle and index finger, then fold in the two ends towards each other and glue them together (Google it). Put the finished tortellinis on a baking tray. When finished, put it in the fridge.

Parmesan chips (can be made several days in advance if stored in the fridge, or weeks/months if stored in the freezer)

1. Put the oven on 200 degrees.

2. Finely grate the parmesan and stir together with some chopped parsley.

3. ‎ Lay out small piles with parmesan on a baking tray lined with a baking sheet. Roast in the oven for about 5-6 minutes, or until the cheese has melted (you don't want any color on them). Take out and put on some paper towels to crisp up.

4. When finished, put the chips in a box with a lid and store the fridge if using in the upcoming days, or in the freezer if you want to store it longer.


1. Put on a large pot with water, generously seasoned with salt.

2. Bring the roasted lobster soup to a boil.

3. ‎Pour boiling/hot water in the plates you will serve the dish in 10 minutes before serving to keep the food warm.

4. ‎boil the tortellini for 2-2,5 minutes  (until they float). Lift them up with a skimmer.

5. ‎ Assemble the dish by putting the tortellinis on the middle of the plate. Garnish with pea sprouts, a pinch of paprika powder and the parmesan chips. At the table, pour over the lobster soup. Serve with a cold, white wine!

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